
Kevin McCloud, MBA,
Finance Coach

(Se Habla Español)

Let’s work together to open the clouds to your financial future!

I’m excited to help you make smart choices with your money and achieve your financial dreams. We’ll work together to build good money habits and set goals. These goals can be things you want to do soon, like managing your daily spending, or bigger things you want in the future.

Just like you might see a coach for sports or a teacher for learning, we’ll meet regularly – maybe every other week or once a month. Our partnership could last a few months or even longer. Our journey starts by looking at your money situation now. We’ll see what you’re good at with money and where you might need some help. Then, we’ll make a plan to reach your goals. I’ll make sure the plan fits what you’re good at and helps you with the things you’re not so sure about.

As we move forward, I’ll be like a friend who reminds you of the goals we set. I’ll help you stick to the plan we made and keep making progress. Together, we’ll get better at managing your money and making your dreams come true.

Free Consulation

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Financial Health is Both Practical & Emotional

How Much Does It Cost?

Meet Kevin

Business Technology Consultant